Chinese website hostingAnyone with experience dealing with the internet in China understands there are special challenges we face in this environment. Here we go into detail about how to ensure your website or blog stays accessible when looking for China website hosting.

How are websites and blogs blocked?

Websites can be blocked by IP address (the number that represents your URL), IP address range and website content. The actual website content that is blocked an change from one day to the next. For example, if a news-worthy event happened in a Chinese city today, by the end of the today or tomorrow, websites containing the name of that city could get blocked. It doesn’t matter whether the content was discussing that event or not, since any of these filters just look for keywords then block the whole site.

Free blogging websites are generally blocked in China, however installing blogging software, such as WordPress, on your own website and following the advice below is the best way to keep your blog accessible in China.

How can I protect my website or blog from getting blocked?

Getting your own IP address for your website in China is an excellent safeguard, and we include it on all our China website hosting packages at no extra cost. This means that unlike on most website hosting servers, your website will have a unique IP address – this prevents your site from getting blocked in the event that someone on the same server is blocked for publishing “banned content” on their own site.

Once you register your website hosting account, it takes a few simple steps to activate the IP address for your website.

Another important consideration for your website or blog is the content you publish. Avoid use of keywords that could cause “irritation” and refrain from discussing issues that may obviously get your site blocked. If your site does get blocked, depending on the reason, simply removing the “offending” content may magically unblock your site.

How do our website hosting services help in China?

We offer a unique IP address as a standard feature in all our website hosting packages, to ensure your website isn’t affected by other websites on the same server. It’s an excellent safeguard against getting blocked. We can also offer advice and information from the experience gained offering these services to business owners and bloggers in China since 2008. We also offer 24/7 tech support to all registered web hosting customers, so there’s always someone ready to help in case of “technical difficulties”. You also have a choice of international servers when you set up your account – website hosting based in China attracts a lot of unwanted attention and regulatory measures, so offshore is the better option.

The Great Wall of China